The other day I met with a client who was SO frustrated because it felt like everything in her life was working against her goals. She has a demanding job … her family life is hectic … AND she is taking on some new responsibilities with her aging parents.“There is absolutely no time for ME,” she told me. And you know what? She’s right. She has a TON on her plate. Which can be incredibly hard to do, especially if you’re super goal oriented.
I shared with her that it’s not about being “on” or “off” her health & fitness routine. Instead, it’s about doing the best you can RIGHT NOW. Over the long run, it’s your everyday habits that have the biggest impact on your health & fitness. So, if you can be consistent with your routine, even on the days when you don’t feel like it, you will still see results.
But here’s the thing: we all have obstacles in our lives. It’s a part of being human. And the key to success is finding a way to overcome them – to create consistent fitness routines in the face of adversity.
So how do you do that?
5 Tips for Staying Consistent with Your Fitness Routine
1) Making healthy food choices
2) Choosing activities when possible (walks, brief exercise sessions)
3) When you can, schedule 2-3 workouts a week
4) Find a workout partner or group that meets for activities
5) Keep a positive attitude
Making these small changes will not only help you physically but also mentally. Staying consistent with your fitness routine will help to release endorphins (feel-good hormones), which in turn will help to manage stress levels. In addition, making time for yourself will help to increase your confidence and improve your overall mood. All of these are so important as we age!
So whatever adversity you may be facing in your life, keep these 5 tips in mind and know that YOU GOT THIS! Making small changes in your everyday routine can have a huge impact on your physical and mental, spiritual, and emotional health & well-being. So don’t give up and don’t let life get in the way of your goals! Try to schedule at least 2-3 workouts a week focused on strength training, believe it or not, will have you feeling more energized in the long run and that just means more energy to get through your day!
If you follow these five tips, you will see results in terms of your physical fitness. Seeing results is a motivating factor that can help you stay on track with your routine. Being consistent with your fitness routine has incredible benefits for your overall health and well-being. Contact Me today and I would be more than happy to help get you started on your journey to better health.You can also book a consultation here