
Body Circuit Bootcamp Fitness & Personal Training


What defines success for you in the coming year? It’s a question that I often ask myself. We all have our own definition of what it means to be successful, but one thing is certain: you can’t define your successes without first defining your goals. That’s why I like to take some time and evaluate my old goals and set new ones for the future every new year. It’s my fresh start new year plan.

Every new year, I start thinking about my goals … What I want my life to look like, the experiences I want to have, and the IMPACT I want to make in our incredible health and wellness community of women.

2022 is filled with possibilities and opportunities… and I can not WAIT to see what we all do with it. We absolutely have the ability to create the world around us, which is why it’s SO important for us to get clear on what we want and place our focus there.

You target your future and start creating the life you really want by setting goals. But before I even set my new goals this year, there are some questions that I always ask myself, and they might help you too:

What do I need more of? What am I NOT currently doing that would make me feel successful? To be successful in one area of our lives, does another have to suffer? When defining success, these are all very common questions… but ultimately, the answer lies within YOU! So if you’re looking at 2022 with an open heart and mind…. and tuned into your body because your body speaks to you always. Here’s what may come up for you – let yourself explore these questions without judgement:

– What are your top priorities this year?

– What do you need to let go of to make space for what you want?

– If money wasn’t an issue, what would be your ideal career?

– If time weren’t an issue, what would be your ideal lifestyle?

These questions can help get the ball rolling when it comes time to define success for yourself. But don’t forget – these goals should ultimately reflect YOU and bring you happiness! So write down whatever comes to mind, without judgement or inhibition (this is YOUR life, not anyone else’s). And remember that these goals can and will change over time – that’s ok!

I asked myself what “success” would look like at the end of 2022 .. and what that would mean.

Personally, I set goals, but I also like to choose a word for the year that helps me stay anchored into what I am creating in my life. For me, it means being in my best health ever, being the absolute BEST that I can be. It means having an incredible family tree of friends and loved ones with healthy relationships built on trust, love, understanding and respect.

And it also looks like financial freedom to me … running a business where you can do what you want when you want with whomever you please! It’s all about making YOUR dreams your reality .. there is nothing more liberating than that. That will look different for everyone, though… not one right answer prevails. So think about this question yourself: What defines success for me? And then go out there and make it happen!!

This year I have chosen the word “GROWTH.” Growth to me means that I am open to new experiences, willing to change and expand, develop, and learn. It means that I am constantly evolving and expanding as a person. I will focus my growth on three key areas that I believe most of us do want to: better health, better wealth, and better relationships.

What does success mean to you? How will you know when you’ve achieved it? What steps do you need to take to get there? These are all important questions to ask yourself and ones that will be different for everyone.

Setting goals is a great way to measure your success and set the tone for what you want in life. I’m so grateful that we have this time of year where we can take some time to reflect on our past successes, evaluate old goals, and create new ones.

Join us at our next event via zoom as we do just that with the New Super Moon intention-setting ceremony on January 2 at 3 PM Pacific time. We are all about empowering and helping YOU to feel like the best version of yourself. Register at the link  and join us for the Super New Moon Intentions & Goals Ceremony