
Body Circuit Bootcamp Fitness & Personal Training

How Food Can Affect Your Mood

Not many things influence our perspective, or our mindset, as food. One genuine model is women being moved by some puzzling hormonal power to eat chocolate during PMS. Only something in that chocolate causes them to feel so great!

Besides the passionate ties around food, partner it with festivity or amusement, there is additionally the physiological side that influences our mood. We’ve all seen kids having tantrums in the cereal aisles. Checkout stands where temptations have been set for the purpose of driving purchases. I don’t know about you; I’ve never seen kids have tantrums in the broccoli section of the local grocery store.

Individuals naturally seek comfort food sources high in starches, which the body promptly changes into sugar in the circulatory system upon utilization. Burning-through prepared and refined food sources which contain excessive measures of sugars and artificial ingredients and essentially no dietary fibre deliver the person into a glucose bad dream.

Indeed, even cooked starches that some consider solid, like potatoes, rice and pasta, are converted over into simple sugars rapidly in the body. This gives a quick explosion of false energy and a fleeting feeling of prosperity, trailed by terrible frustration and what some call ‘self-incited hypoglycemia.’

To feel better after the setback stage, which can cause anyone to feel depleted, testy and cranky to the core, the body forces one to eat a greater amount of the substance that gave it that burst of energy. We now can see how we get set up for a cycle of addictions. Have you ever tried to force yourself to be in a good mood, feel good about life, or complete loads of work when you are in the midst of caffeine withdrawal?

The principle function of most anti-depressants available today is to improve that popular ‘feel-good chemical’ serotonin. When the brain is low in this chemical, people crave foods like carbs and comfort food sources to get it.

Yet, if we figure out how to feed the brain appropriately, we need not experience the ill effects of reduced serotonin, and then we can avoid the cycle
of addictions that keep us on the roller coaster of highs and lows. There are sound and proven approaches to achieve this.

One of the primary reasons a raw vegetarian diet is so useful in keeping up stable states of mind is because of the way that there are no toxins, addictive substances or artificial ingredients in living food sources. Raw food sources are stacked with fibre to keep the intestinal tract and colon healthy.

When the colon is over-burden with waste, this waste is recycled in the circulation system repeatedly. How peaceful and joyful do you want to feel with your body’s own waste feeding your mind? Utilizing foods that are high in fibre and natural sugars also eliminates the wild roller coaster ride of blood sugar swings which are infamous for eventually draining our serotonin supplies.

After a time of detoxification, which may, in some cases can, be a bumpy ride, our feelings are detoxified too; the brain becomes more clear. Better well-being welcomes an improved point of view and reestablished trust that different enhancements are conceivable. At some point, when we start to look and feel better, maybe by dropping a couple of pounds or our skin clears up, we unquestionably start to send out a more lively high vibe.

With a whole food raw diet, the mind gets cleansed and nourished on the cellular level. Our brains become sharper, and we start seeing life’s brighter side.

Will you join us this week in our private community as we start by adding more fibre to our daily meal plan?